For Your Personal Evaluation

With your iPhone, you can take a selfie,

(the image sensor does not have an infrared filter on the selfie camera).

Best Practices

Take a baseline photograph as a starting point, and if you are a research participant, you will have a reference point.

1. Indoor image with natural lighting (try the best to reduce shadows on face, neck, and/or chest).
2. Outdoor image with reduced glare/shadows (as possible).
3. Use a photo of your face from your files (this is also handy to trace back as to when a mark appeared).

NOTE: Photographs produced under Halogen, LED, OLED and some instances of fluorescent lights can cause iridescent simulation and can be captured in the photograph.

Intensity and Enhance - Adjustment Sliders

Use the X-Slider adjustment on your selected photograph, and adjust it to show if there are variable colorations in your face, neck, chest, or hands.

Use the Y-Slider adjustment on the photograph to enhance any colorations observed.

Save the photograph as a reference point, or to share.

Assessment of the Photograph

Colorations, that appear in the photograph after processing with the Creature Capture Application, should conform to a symmetrical shape (for example; the mark of the forehead is not temple to temple, as it is confined to a rectangular form that does not rise to the hairline, and the edge stops before the end of the iris of the eye below it.

NOTE: Please consider factors such as; physical ailments (skin, etc.,) pharmacological agents must be considered, as their use can affect the skin (flesh-dermal layers), and some of these conditions are registered in photographs.

What Do I Do - If The Photograph Shows You Are Marked

There exists an ancient solution that anyone can use, and we produced a video years in the past: External link opens in new tab or window"how to remove the sting of death". This and other information of the project is scheduled for updates in the last quarter of 2024.






1. 自然光を使用した室内画像 (顔、首、胸の影をできるだけ減らすように努めてください)。
2. まぶしさや影を(可能な限り)軽減した屋外画像。
3. ファイルから自分の顔の写真を使用します

注: ハロゲン、LED、OLED、および一部の蛍光灯の下で撮影された写真は、

強度と強化 - 調整スライダー 選択した写真で X スライダー調整を使用し、顔、首、
写真の Y スライダー調整を使用して、観察された色合いを強調します。 参照ポイントとして、

写真の評価 Creature Capture

注: 次のような要素を考慮してください。身体的疾患(皮膚など)、薬剤の使用は皮膚(肉真皮層)

The Mark of Evil is the mark referenced in antiquity, and it is recognized as the one that goes out, and returns with 7 more worse than itself.

Use the Creature Capture Application to process the photograph you take, and it will process the image to reveal.

Creature Capture アプリケーションを使用して、撮影した写真を処理すると、画像が処理されて公開されます。

The Mark of the Liar is on the nose, and it can be a mild to intense coloration. There is an old song that is appropriate, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.
Use the Creature Capture Application to process the photograph you take, and it will process the image to reveal.

「赤鼻のトナカイ ルドルフ」があります
Creature Capture アプリケーションを使用して、撮影した写真を処理すると、画像が処理されて公開されます。

The Mark of the Murderer is a mark referenced from ancient time, and spoken of in the present. It was known in the ancient past that one could look and see if evil was in the hand.

Use the Creature Capture Application to process the photograph you take, and it will process the image to reveal.

Creature Capture アプリケーションを使用して、撮影した写真を処理すると、画像が処理されて公開されます。

The Mark of the Harlot can be found at the top of the chest and can appear as a creature that is revealed with the Creature Capture Application.
Use the Creature Capture Application to process the photograph you take, and it will process the image to reveal.

Creature Capture アプリケーションを使用して、撮影した写真を処理すると、画像が処理されて公開されます。

The Mark of Cain is known around the world, and is on the forehead. It is symmetrical and does not go temple to temple.

A mark known around the world.

Use the Creature Capture Application to process the photograph you take, and it will process the image to reveal.

カインの刻印は世界中で知られており、額にあります。それは対称的であり、寺院から寺院へは行きません。 世界中で知られるマーク。
Creature Capture アプリケーションを使用して、撮影した写真を処理すると、画像が処理されて公開されます。